Andreas Heinen is a sociologist and Research (and Development) Specialist at the Centre for Childhood and Youth Research (CCY) at the University of Luxembourg.
Youth Wiki
Data collection for the European online encyclopedia of national youth policies
Youth Wiki is the online encyclopedia for youth policies in Europe. The platform offers an extensive database on youth structures, policies and actions that support young people in the EU member states, as well as in selected European third countries. All Luxembourgish data contributions are collected by the Centre for Childhood and Youth Studies (CCY). Anefore is the national correspondent responsible for the implementation of Youth Wiki in Luxembourg.

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What is Youth Wiki all about?
What is the proportion of young people of a certain age group in the total Luxembourg population? How is youth policy implemented in Luxembourg? What is the legal basis for youth policy programmes and measures? Questions like these can be researched ideally with Youth Wiki.
Data from ten thematic areas relevant to young people across Europe
Data on a total of ten topics is researched and updated on a regular basis. On the one hand, the data is derived from official documents of national authorities, e.g. laws, reports or programmes. On the other hand, studies or research reports are considered as a data basis.
By the way, the lingua franca of Youth Wiki is English. This way, experts and lay people from all over Europe can find out about the youth policies of individual countries without having to know the local languages. The ten thematic areas are as follows:
What is published and how often do publications come out?
In addition to information on Luxembourg, Youth Wiki also contains data on youth policies in another 32 Erasmus+ countries. Content is published on the websites of the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). As Youth Wiki is a purely web-based knowledge tool, the content is continuously updated.
Why is Youth Wiki important?
On the one hand, Youth Wiki is important because it provides extensive information on the situation of young people in Europe and on national youth policies.
As a result, various target groups in the youth sector in Luxembourg and Europe benefit from the available information. Alongside political decision-makers, these stakeholders include, for example, those responsible for youth work practice, but also the interested specialist public.
On the other hand, Youth Wiki provides an important data basis for the European Commission’s EU Youth Report, which is published every three years. In this way, it contributes to the further development of an evidence-based and transversal European youth policy.